Vsebina nove izdaje nam razkriva nove poti nekaterih mojstrov, kot na primer velika volja, s kateri si je Joaquin Soriano začrtal novo pot. Uresničila se je želja Gianluce Fuste, odprl je nove prostore Fusto Milano. Avandgardo nadaljuje Mark Welker. Presenetljivo čokolado razkrivajo Andrey in Ronya Dubovik, Francisco Migoya in Luis Amado. Modro posodobljeno tradicijo predstavlja Florent Margaillan. Čarobnost južnega stožca (jug Južne Amerike) je ovekovečil Pablo Baracat in tako naprej, predstavlja 24 zgodb z isto osrednjo točko: ljubezen do peciva.
- Mark Welker, The four fundamentals
- Ronny Emborg, The gastronomic side of fruit
- Fusto Milano, A singular space for a unique creator
- Jean-Thomas Schneider, Beyond titles
- Francisco Migoya, Eyes wide open
- Andrey & Ronya Dubovik, Love, passion and chocolate
- Nina Tarasova, Puff pastry, start and finish line
- Joaquin Soriano, Competitive personality, homey spirit
- Nicolas Arnaud, Simple and safe
- Lluc Crusellas & Marta Martín, The ‘so good’ generation
- Akihiro Kakimoto, A combination to wow the world
- Laurent Bichon, The lessons behind a beautiful photo
- Richard Hawke, Naturally white
- Florent Margaillan, Hyper-gourmand identity
- Graham Hornigold & Heather Kaniuk, Crossing the bridge
- Luis Amado, The sky is the limit
- Alexei Grebenshchikov, Fresh from Russia
- Andrea Coté, Light, familiar, meticulous
- Tidbits
- Grant Achatz, Fine dining and to-go food might seem like odd bedfellows but Chicago’s Alinea is proving otherwise
- Pablo Baracat, ‘A photo must induce in people a connection between what they see and what they want’
- Luciano García, Back to the origins
- Gustavo Sáez, Gestures which define
- Matías Risé, Tempting to change
- Belén Melamed, Getting bored is not an option
ISSN: 2013-2034
Število strani: 304
Velikost: 230 x 297 mm
Jeztik: Angleščina