
Komercialni indukcijski sistem kuhanja s kontrolirano temperaturo.

V kratkem prihaja na evropski trg!

Razvojni inženirji pri družbah Breville® in PolyScience®, ki so skupaj ustvari The Control Freak ™ so dvignili mejo mogočega indukcijskega kuhanja. Zakaj pravzaprav gre? V profesionalni kuhinji je edini nenadzorovan postopek kuhanje na štedilniku. Chef med toplotno obdelavo hrane ne more nadzorovati temperature, temveč je popolnoma prepuščen občutku. V praksi to pomeni, da je njegovo kuhanje in kvaliteta stvar njegovega počutja. Še več, delitev nalog kuhanja med pomočnike (sous chef) pomeni lahko, da je vsaka rižota, pečeno meso, precej drugačno od želenega.

The Control Freak ™ omogoča popoln nadzor nad kuhanjem, saj temperaturo nastavimo na 1°C natančno. Torej bo vsak "rib eye" enako pečen, nobena rižota ne bo prekuhana, ali gosja jetra prepečena. Slaščičarji bodo The Control Freak ™ oboževali. Kuhanje angleške kreme, slaščičarske kreme ali sladkorja na npr. 121°C je sedaj zelo preprosto in povsem nadzorovano.

The Control Freak ™ vsebuje pametne funkcije, poleg izjemno natančnega nadzora temperature se pregledno in enostavno premikamo preko digitalnega zaslona, programiramo lahko recepte, nastavljamo temperaturo, dolžino kuhanja in čas. The Control Freak ™ uvaja povsem nov zlati standard kuhanja.

Tehnični podatki

Kontrola intenzivnosti kuhanja
hladilni sistem z dvojnim ventilatorjem
ohišje iz odpornega nerjavnega jekla
temperaturno visoko odporno keramično steklo
Tritan™ polimerni LCD zaslon
Barvno TFT zaslon
USB za programsko nadgradnjo
Enostavno čiščenje
gumbi so pralni v pomivalnem stroju

temperaturno območje: 30°C -250°C
dvojni NCT temperaturni senzor: 0°C -300°C
stabilnost temperature: ±1°C
Moč: 100 -1.800 W
funkcionalnost temperature: 397 nastavitev
Časovnik: 72 ur
Dimenzije: 110 x 350 x 470 mm
masa: 11,2 kg
certifikati: UL/IEC, NSF, IPX5


Thomas Keller

"The level of accuracy offered by the Control Freak makes it the perfect surface for virtually any cooking process as well as a precision analytical tool for all aspects of traditional and modern cuisine. It’s temperature precision and stability coupled with durable commercial construction assures consistent operation in the toughest environments while the ability to store cooking profiles and program gives users complete consistency in their recipes and applications."

Shola Olunloyo

“I love what the geniuses at Breville and PolyScience have done with the utilitarian but not usually versatile induction burner. With their newest iteration, the Control Freak, they have created a unit which does what it says and much more! I am able to use the Control Freak in my kitchen and even better when I am on the road, to cook with incredible precision in a way that hasn’t been possible before. With the smart probe, I can oil poach fish, hold my soup at exact temperatures, and do this all in a catering hall with a strict rules concerning open flames. The Control Freak has become a staple in my prep kitchens, off premise events, and demonstrations. I love it.”

Ivan Orkin

The Control Freak™ induction cooking system is the first of its kind to accurately measure, set and hold 397 cooking temperatures from 86°-482°F. The unique real-time sensing system uses a through-glass sensor to directly measure surface temperature. Probe Control™ remote thermometer to precisely control the temperature of both water and fat-based liquids. The Intensity function gives incredible control over the heat up speed to the set temperature. A Create function stores frequently used custom temperature profiles for simple one-touch recall.

Recepti "Starchefs"


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